New Software Stock Market Tools SMT1:

discover the power of AI Stock Market forecast and trading simulation
- increase your trading profitability


SMFT-2 is a New Stock Market Prediction Software

SMFT-2 (Stock Market Forecast Tools) is a new integrated system by Addaptron Software. It is the next generation of the software that intended to replace older SMFT-1 version. As a result of a few recent development projects, the new version is based on new advanced methods, provides more accurate prediction, and is easier to use.

Prediction modules is built with back-test calculation to estimate the accuracy of forecast within the recent performance periods. Additionally, the back-testing computations is important if more than one method is used. It allows estimating the weight of each method in a composed result; the weights that are proportional to the ability of the methods to predict the price.

SMFT-2 currently includes five major modules:

  • TA Predictor - prediction for day or week period based on Technical Analysis, pattern recognition and Neural Networks (generates composite result). Back-analysis models optimization and batch calculation for comparative analysis included.

  • Waves - Elliott Wave model: back-test optimization, up to 10 waves forecast.

  • Cycles - prediction based on cycle analysis.

  • Week day - search for maximum performance using price behavior depending on week day. It allows discovering the best entry/exit days of week; batch calculation included.

  • Month day - search for maximum performance using price behavior depending on month day. It allows discovering the best entry/exit days of month; batch calculation included.

  • The implemented methods are statistically proven and widely used. All modules share the same EOD (end-of-day) input data. The software is provided with a free Downloader that allows downloading EOD historical quotes files from the Internet for free. A fully-functional software SMFT-2 is free during initial 30-day period. The software and associated documentation are delivered via download links over the Internet. For technical requirements, installation instruction, and download link, visit SMFT-2 download page.